Monday, April 13, 2009

Now is the Time!

In my last blog I talked about the importance of shopping local to keep our downtown healthy. Another important thing you can do is to get involved in your community. Do you know the main reason that someone volunteers? It is because someone asked them to volunteer, and I am asking you now!

We have many worthwhile organizations in Pewaukee that are looking for volunteers. Positively Pewaukee is of course on the top of the list, but did you know that we have a Pewaukee Kiwanis that does many wonderful events to raise money for our community? The Pewaukee Chamber of Commerce is always looking for new people along with our schools and churches. These are just a few of the community groups looking for help.

We will be hosting our annual Friend Raiser on Monday May 4th to celebrate that summer is on its way and to bring together past volunteers together with new volunteers. We talk a bit about who we are and how you can help your community through our organization.

If you are interested in attending our Friend Raiser, please email me at or call either Kim or myself at 695-9735.

If you would like more information on other organizations volunteer opportunities call or email and we will get you hooked up with someone from those groups. The most important thing is to volunteer and make the community you call home a better place for us all!!