One of the best things about being a Main Street Community is the networking. Last week I attended one of four required workshops that Main Street sponsors. This workshop was extended a day for a board member training where I facilitated one of the round table discussions on volunteerism.
It never ceases to amaze me how lucky we are in Pewaukee to have so many dedicated people that volunteer for us. Community after community is struggling to get and keep their volunteers, I am always happy to say with pride that we do not have that problem in Pewaukee!
The rest of the workshop centered around advertising, not only for our programs, but how to help our merchants look at all the options available to them for advertising their businesses. I came away with many new ideas, but the best part was knowing that we were already following many of the steps that the speaker advised.
The Main Street workshops occur in January, March, June and September. Volunteers are invited and encouraged to attend with their Directors. The next workshop will be held in Watertown and is being facilitated by Margie Johnson, some of you will remember her from her visit to Pewaukee a few years ago. Margie is a dynamo with tons of ideas on how to improve your business. If you are interested in attending this workshop please let me know. Margie will be speaking on Tuesday, the 18th of March from 8:30 - 5:00.
Until next time - stay warm!